Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Who's bad?

Raymond and Tim in their show-stopping routine on Friday evening...

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Panto Auditions


Sunday, 27 September, 1:00pm onwards

ISPP Secondary Auditorium, #158 Norodom Boulevard

Calling Actors of All Ages!

We will be auditioning adult actors, junior actors (aged 8 and up) and junior-junior actors (aged 4-7)

In December, the Players will perform the Christmas Panto again for the 13th year in a row. It's the biggest theater production of the year in Phnom Penh.

Experience is not needed; commitment for 8 weeks and a positive attitude is all we want.

Come, enjoy, we'll put on something fun!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Chekhov Cast

Zak, Stew, Raymond, Christine, Ronit and Berry backstage at Khmer Surin on 4 September 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Proposal @ Khmer Surin

Berry, Zak and Ronit in Chekhov's "The Proposal" in Khmer Surin on 5 September 2009 with cameo appearance by Adam

The Bear @ Khmer Surin

Stew and Christine in Chekhov's "The Bear" in Khmer Surin on 5 September 2009

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

An Evening of Chekhov Comedies

Apsara Art Association

The Apsara Arts Association (AAA) is a local non-governmental organization founded in 1998, with the aim to study, research, establish and disseminate the arts and culture of Cambodia. It contributes to poverty reduction by educating orphans and children from poor families. The AAA feels that art can become an origin of strength and resilience, and a crucial source of curing and reconciliation in Cambodia.

Currently it has 120 students working with 6 instructors. The AAA has also opened a shelter for vulnerable and underprivileged children, allowing them to go to public school and to learn Cambodian classical and performing arts.

With the funds raised from An Evening of Chekhov Comedies, the AAA aims to offer their students training in the folk dance Phluoy Soy, an ethnic dance from Kampong Speu province. It is one of the most popular dances in Cambodian folklore.

More info about the association and their work through http://www.apsara-art.org/

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Proposal Rehearsal Footage

Berry, Zak and Ronit struggling with Chekhov's "The Proposal".

Friday, May 8, 2009

Noises Off! Reheasal Footage

Mallie, Adam, Louise, Zak, Annabel and Raymond during rehearsals for "Noises Off!" with Christine reading in for absent Brendan.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Epic Arts

Funds raised from the performances of "Noises Off" will again go to Epic Arts.

Epic Arts was formed in 2001 as a registered Arts Charity offering professional dance, drama, music and art programmes to people of all abilities and disabilities. It is a Christian based organisation, but seeks to work with, and help any person without prejudice, regardless of race, religion or creed.

For more info click here: Epic Arts

Friday, March 6, 2009

Thank you

We want to say THANK YOU to all actors who came to audition in the past week! It looks like we'll have a very talented group of actors for our production.

Details on the play and perfomance dates and location will follow. Watch this space!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Auditions for mid-year play

Auditions for the next exciting, thrilling, laugh-a-minute production of the Phnom Penh Players will be held at:

Living Room - #9, Street 306 (the Norodom end)


Saturday 28th February at 13:00 (1pm)


Wednesday 4th March at 18:30 (6:30pm)

All potential actors (looking) over 15 and backstage crew are most welcome. We are looking to put on 2 or 3 short, one act, comedy plays. It should be a lot of fun to be involved in, so please come along and bring your friends.

We look forward to seeing you again and to meeting you for the first time.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Epic love

The Phnom Penh Players made a donation to Epic Arts in March 2009 from the profits of the Christmas pantomime. This donation was used to fund the first month of the brand new Vocational Training Programme. The Vocational Training Program aims to provide young people with disabilities with an opportunity to receive formal training in the arts and an opportunity to further explore their own individual creativity. Building upon this they will be provided training in the area of arts-based workshop facilitation so that they can apply their new skills and creative confidence to develop and present their own arts-based workshops. In this way the course fills an important role in achieving the vision of epic by training the teachers who will staff the arts centre and the performance, workshop and vocational training programme into the future.

The programme works with 12 young people with disabilities on a full time basis.  During the first month of the course, the students worked with a theatre teacher and began to explore their own stories and experiences through theatre and journaling.  During this workshop module they developed a short performance about one of the students’ experience of love. This show was performed at the opening of the Epic Arts centre to over 500 people.  The students will continuing developing this performance in to a longer show that will be toured around 22 communes in Kampot later in the year.